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Our majestic red rose flower arrangement of red roses is the perfect way to show your love and appreciation. The vibrant red color of the roses represents love, passion, and desire, making this bouquet a perfect choice for any romantic occasion. The roses are freshly cut and expertly arranged by our talented florists, ensuring that each arrangement is of the highest quality.


You can choose from three sizes of this majestic red rose flower arrangement: 6, 12, 18, or 24 red roses. Each size is sure to make a bold statement and impress the recipient.  Whether you are looking to surprise your significant other or simply want to express your love, this majestic floral arrangement is sure to delight and bring a smile to anyone's face. So why wait? Show your love and appreciation with this beautiful bouquet of red roses today!


Arrangements include vase and baby's breath.  Choose from a half dozen (6) red roses, a dozen (12) red roses, one-and-a-half dozen (18) red roses and two dozen red roses (24) arrangements.


Color theme: red flowers

Red Roses Bouquet

  • The rose is the national flower of England.  The red rose is the symbol of the British Monarchy.

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